How it Works

Welcome to the ZudgeZury Lifestyle

When you share your concern and options, ChatGPT or Real People will boost your confidence in making a wiser decision, anytime, anywhere.

Getting Started with ZudgeZury


Ask AI or Choose panel
of Zury or Zudge

Zudges can conduct Live Hearings!

Compare and Contrast AI and Real People Solutions


Share your Concern

Whether it’s a Dating or Family concern, or a travel,
or shopping question, we have you covered.
Share your concern and options via text,
voice or video.



After deliberation, we will have statistics
and an explanation for the verdict. Oh,
we issue a Certificate too!

The ZudgeZury Community


All users begin as a Zury and will have a personal Star Ranking for Quality and Time of Response. As members help others, all Zury and Zudges can earn tips and rewards, and at the same time be promoted in Social Rank and Status.

Trainee Zury Assistant Zury Associate Zury Citizen Zury

With cumulated experience, a Zury will be promoted to a Zudge and be able to do Live Hearings

Trainee Zudge State Zudge State Zudge Supreme Zudge (Unlimited Live Hearings)

Celebrity Zudges

Influencers with more than 100K followers on any social media platform join us as Celebrity Zudges.


Guest Zudges

Want to try being a Supreme Zudge for a day? Buy a Zudge pass and be a Guest Zudge.

Both Celebrity and Guest Zudges have full privileges of a Supreme Zudge

Join The
ZudgeZury Lifestyle

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