About Us

Powered by ChatGPT and community collaboration, we are a lifestyle Decision Solution platform.

Ask AI Ask Real People, our platform is flexible and expansive. We solve your dilemmas with AI or community deliberation, enabling you to make decisions more confidently. Also, we empower you to become a valuable part of the community as a Zudge or Zury to help others on the platform.


The Zury and Zudges are ready to answer your questions within 24 Hours

Addressing the most important topics

Live hearing by your favorite Celebrity or Supreme Zudges

Activate the “Z11” feature for emergency Zudge or Zury response

Compare and Contrast solutions between AI and Real People

Our Core Values

Share Concerns. Help others.
Build a Virtual Community.
Real-Time Engagement

  • Ask AI Ask Real People. We are a Q&A decision solution platform powered by ChatGPT that provides timely and relevant responses to your questions.
  • Users can also help others by sharing their areas of expertise
  • Verdicts are deliberated in a timely manner or via a LIVE hearing in the platform
  • Users can provide quality ratings based on relevant answers and timely responses
  • Users are free to browse questions asked by the community and learn or share other verdicts
  • Compare and contrast the solutions between AI and Real People

How Are We Different?

ZudgeZury is the only app that allows the user to ask AI or Real people and to compare and contrast the different solutions.

ZudgeZury is FREE to use and registered users can share concerns or questions across multiple categories. It also gives users a chance to earn social recognition and income by being a Zudge or Zury. With ChatGPT, we are continually looking at ways to make our platform even more exciting, fun and innovative.


As we gain Market Share and expand rapidly, many opportunities exist in our next funding round. Contact us below for the latest round of offering.


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ZudgeZury Lifestyle

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